About Us

Boundary of Woodlands & Park Community Council (pink line shows electoral constituency boundary)

Woodlands and Park Community Council serves a vibrant and multicultural area in the West End of the city of Glasgow. Our boundary extends along the tranquil River Kelvin on the west as it flows through Kelvingrove Park, along the busy thoroughfare of Great Western Road to the north to the M8 motorway at Charing Cross and along Sauchiehall Street to the south – covering a wide variety of housing from traditional sandstone tenement buildings to town houses and new developments.

Community Councils are voluntary organisations responsible for representing local views to local and central government. Our meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month and are open to the public. All are welcome to attend, as visitors or as potential members. If you are resident in the area come along to our community council and get involved in local issues from planning & the environment to refuse-collection and crime. You can also stand for election as a community councillor when the next elections are held.

If you are interested contact us or come to the next meeting – usually held on the second Wednesday of the month in the Fred Paton Centre.